Life list for John Burris








Frogs and Toads
Cryptic Forest Frogs - Aromobatidae

Tailed Frogs - Ascaphidae

Fire-bellied Toads - Bombinatoridae

True Toads - Bufonidae

Glass Frogs - Centrolenidae

Fleshbelly Frogs - Craugastoridae

Poison Frogs - Dendrobatidae

Fork-Tongued Frogs - Dicroglossidae

Rain Frogs - Eleutherodactylidae

Treefrogs - Hylidae

Tropical Frogs - Leptodactylidae

Dancing Frogs - Micrixalidae

Narrow-mouthed Toads - Microhylidae

Robust Frogs - Nyctibatrachidae

European Spadefoot Toads - Pelobatidae

Monkey Frogs - Phyllomedusidae

Clawed Frogs - Pipidae

True Frogs - Ranidae

Leaping Frogs - Ranixalidae

Flying Frogs - Rhacophoridae

Mexican Burrowing frogs - Rhinophrynidae

North American Spadefoot Toads - Scaphiopodidae
Agamas - Agamidae

Large-scale Lizards - Alopoglossidae

Lateral Fold Lizards - Anguidae

Chameleons - Chamaeleonidae

Casque-headed Lizards - Corytophanidae

Collared and Leopard Lizards - Crotaphytidae

Anoles - Dactyloidae

Galliwasps - Diploglossidae

Eyelid Geckos - Eublepharidae

Geckos & Legless Lizards - Gekkonidae

Spectacled Lizards - Gymnophthalmidae

Gila Monsters - Helodermatidae

Woodlizards and Clubtails - Hoplocercidae

Iguanas - Iguanidae

Lacertids - Lacertidae

Curly-tailed Lizards - Leiocephalidae

North American Iguanids - Phrynosomatidae

Geckos - Phyllodactylidae

Skinks - Scincidae

Geckos - Sphaerodactylidae

Tegus - Teiidae

Neotropical Ground Lizards - Tropiduridae

Monitors - Varanidae

Night Lizards - Xantusiidae

Knob-scaled Lizards - Xenosauridae
Mole Salamanders - Ambystomatidae

Giant Salamanders - Cryptobranchidae

Lungless Salamanders - Plethodontidae

Olms and Waterdogs - Proteidae

Olympic Salamanders - Rhyacotritonidae

Newts and Fire Salamanders - Salamandridae

Sirens - Sirenidae
File Snakes - Acrochordidae

Boas and Anacondas - Boidae

Advanced Snakes - Colubridae

Cobras, Kraits, and Sea Snakes - Elapidae

Slender Blind Snakes - Leptotyphlopidae

Mexican Burrowing Pythons - Loxocemidae

Pythons - Pythonidae

Blind Worm Snakes - Typhlopidae

Short-tail Snakes - Uropeltidae

Vipers - Viperidae
Marine Turtles - Cheloniidae

Snapping Turtles - Chelydridae

Pond Turtles - Emydidae

Pond, River and Wood Turtles - Geoemydidae

American Mud Turtles and Musk Turtles - Kinosternidae

Tortoises - Testudinidae

Soft-shelled Turtles - Trionychidae