Taxon Common Name No. of Records Last Observation
Callopistes maculatus Spotted False Monitor 3 2016-02-29
Liolaemus Tree Iguanas 1 2015-07-23
Liolaemus atacamensis Atacama Tree Iguana 1 2015-07-23
Liolaemus bellii Bell's Tree Iguana 3 2023-01-06
Liolaemus chiliensis Chilean Tree Iguana 2 2022-09-13
Liolaemus chungara Chungará Tree Iguana 1 2023-01-11
Liolaemus juanortizi Ortiz's Tree Iguana 1 2018-03-03
Liolaemus lemniscatus Wreath Tree Iguana 3 2022-09-05
Liolaemus monticola Peak Tree Iguana 2 2014-01-02
Liolaemus moradoensis El Morado Tree Iguana 1 2014-01-03
Liolaemus nigromaculatus Black-spotted Tree Iguana 2 2015-07-23
Liolaemus nigroviridus Black-green Tree Iguana 3 2023-01-06
Liolaemus nitidus Shining Tree Iguana 1 2022-09-13
Liolaemus platei Braided Tree Iguana 2 2015-07-23
Liolaemus rosenmanni Chimberos Tree Iguana 1 2018-03-02
Liolaemus tenuis Thin Tree Iguana 1 2022-09-03
Liolaemus zapallarensis Zapallaren Tree Iguana 1 2008-11-04
Microlophus atacamensis AtacamenLava Lizard 1 2023-01-09
Philodryas chamissonis Chilean Green Racer 1 2008-10-29
Name No. of Taxa No. of Records No. of Users Last Observation
Atacama 7 9 2 2018-03-03
Coquimbo 4 5 1 2008-11-25
Región Metropolitana de Santiago 7 13 4 2023-01-06
Tarapacá 2 2 1 2023-01-11
Valparaíso 2 2 1 2022-09-13
User No. of Taxa No. of Records Last Observation
Brady, Matt 4 5 2008-11-25
Buffa, Joelle 4 6 2023-01-11
Hoops, Daniel 8 12 2015-07-23
Lalonde, Rachel 4 4 2022-09-13
Weymann, Michael 4 4 2018-03-03
5 active users.

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